![7月8日(土)- 9月3日(日)秋田県立近代美術館 5階展示室](/add/meiho/images/day.jpg)
![伊藤若冲 《旭日鳳凰図》は後期のみ展示](/add/meiho/images/jakutyu.jpg)
We are pleased to present the exhibition, Treasures of the Imperial Household and Akita: Masterpieces from Sannomaru Shōzōkan.
The Museum of the Imperial Collections, Sannomaru Shōzōkan, was opened in 1993 as a facility for the preservation, research, and exhibition of arts and crafts that have been handed down from generation to generation by the Imperial Family. The museum's collection, which now numbers approximately 9,000 items, encompasses a wide range of outstanding works of art from ancient to modern times, from mainly Japan, Asia, Europe, and other regions.
This exhibition introduces artworks with close ties to Akita and masterpieces from these 9,000 items from the Museum of the Imperial Collections in five sections: 1) Edo Paintings Related to the Imperial Household, 2) Splendid Paintings of the Modern Era, 3) Hirafuku Hyakusui and Kinreisha, 4) Arts and Crafts Related to Akita, and 5) Exquisite Crafts of the Modern Era. In addition, visitors can view two different versions of The Tale of Priest Saigyō, one by Ogata Kōrin from Sannomaru Shōzōkan, and another by Tawaraya Sōtatsu, owned by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, will also be displayed in this exhibition. These timeless masterpieces were created by artists of the Rinpa School, and we invite you to enjoy their beauty.
We invite visitors to take this opportunity to discover the masterpieces of Japanese art and the fascinating connections between the Imperial Family and Akita. By exploring this exhibition, we hope that visitors will gain a deeper appreciation for the rich cultural heritage of Japan and its enduring artistic traditions.
About the Museum of the Imperial Collections, Sannomaru Shōzōkan
The Museum of the Imperial Collections, Sannomaru Shōzōkan, opened in November 1993 on the East Gardens of the Imperial Palace near the Ōtemon Gate. This institution was established to store, research, preserve and manage a remarkable collection of artworks and other items donated by His Majesty the Emperor Emiritus and Empress Kōjun to the government in 1989. The collection comprises works that have been passed down to the Imperial Household up to the Shōwa Emperor, and Sannomaru Shōzōkan serves as a vital resource for studying and exhibiting these treasures.
The collection includes a wide variety of works that were handed down to the Kyoto Imperial Palace until the early modern period, works that were brought to the Imperial Household after the modern period through various processes such as orders from the Imperial Household, purchases, and donations, as well as artworks from exchanges between the Imperial Family and other countries. In 1996, the collection was further expanded to include works bequeathed from the family of the former Prince of Chichibu, in 2001 with items from Empress Kōjun, in 2005 from the family of the former Prince of Takamatsu, and in 2014 by the family of the Prince of Mikasa, bringing the current total to approximately 9,000 items.
Sannomaru Shōzōkan has organized more than 100 special exhibitions based on research of the museum’s curators, and carried out various restoration projects to ensure the stable transmission of its works to future generations. As the numbers of works in the collection has increased, and the scope of the museum’s activities has expanded, the current building has become too small, and a new expanded facility is under construction on an adjacent
site, which will open in Autumn this year. The museum will continue to pass on the valuable items inherited from the Imperial Family to the next generation, and continue to enhance its activities as a base for introducing the Imperial Family and Japanese culture to the world.
会期 | 【前期】7月8日(土)〜 8月2日(水) 【後期】8月5日(土)〜 9月3日(日) ※8月3日(木)、4日(金)は展示替のため休場 |
開館時間 | 午前9時30分~午後5時00分(最終入館 午後4時30分) |
会場 | 秋田県立近代美術館 5階展示室 (秋田ふるさと村内) |
観覧料 | 一般1,200円(1,000円)、高・大学生1,000円(800円) 一般ペアチケット1,800円<前売のみ> ※中学生以下無料 ※( )内は前売・20名以上の団体料金 ※高校生・大学生は学生証の提示が必要 ※障害者手帳またはミライロID提示の方は半額(介添者1名まで半額・当日券のみ) ※リピーター割:本展の半券提示で100円引き(他の割引との併用は不可) |
前売券販売期間 | 2023年5月20日(土)~ 2023年7月7日(金) |
前売券取扱所 | 秋田県立近代美術館、秋田ふるさと村、caoca広場、県庁売店、さきがけニュースカフェ、 ローソンチケット(Lコード:21644)、チケットぴあ(Pコード:686-496) |
前売券に関する お問い合わせ |
秋田放送コンテンツビジネス戦略局企画事業部 Tel:018-826-8500(午前9時30分~午後5時00分、土日祝休) |
記念講演会2 「写真が語る皇室と秋田」
講師 | 木谷 知香氏(宮内庁三の丸尚蔵館 研究員) |
日時 | 2023年8月5日(土)午後1時30分〜 |
会場 | 秋田県立近代美術館 6階研修室 |
※定員各50名(要申込、先着順、要観覧券or半券) ※参加無料 ※各回とも90分程度 |
日時 | 2023年7月23日(日)、8月13日(日) 各日 午後2時~(30分程度) |
会場 | 秋田県立近代美術館 5階展示室 |
※申込不要(時間までに会場にお集まりください) ※参加無料(ただし当日の観覧券が必要) |
秋田県立近代美術館 Tel:0182-33-8855(午前9時30分~午後5時00分)
秋田県立近代美術館 Akita Museum Of Modern Art
〒013-0064 秋田県横手市赤坂字富ケ沢62-46(Tel:0182-33-8855)
- 【主催】
- 皇室の名宝と秋田実行委員会(秋田県立近代美術館・ABS秋田放送)、宮内庁
- 【共催】
- 秋田魁新報社
- 【協賛】
- 株式会社寛文五年堂
- 【特別協力】
- 文化庁、紡ぐプロジェクト、読売新聞社
- 【助成】
- 令和5年度地域ゆかりの文化資産を活用した展覧会支援事業
- 【後援】
- 横手市、横手市教育委員会、朝日新聞秋田総局、毎日新聞秋田支局、読売新聞秋田支局、河北新報社、